CareScout Quality Network
We know that one of the most important decisions is finding a provider you can trust, which is why we’ve created the CareScout Quality Network.
The CareScout Quality Network offers quality care and special pricing.
The CareScout Quality Network consists of home care providers – agencies who provide professional support services that can allow older adults to live safely in their homes.

Receive personalized results.
We can help you find care for your unique needs. We will also check to see if there are any CareScout Quality Network providers in your area. Our Quality Network providers meet CareScout's quality standards, but also are committed to person-centered care — which integrates care recipients’ values, preferences, and goals into the care they receive.

Learn more about the
CareScout Quality Network*

Start with your own advocate.
As a Genworth Life Insurance Company long-term care insurance customer, you have access to the CareScout Care Advocate Team. The Care Advocate Team consists of nurses and social workers who pull from their professional experience, CareScout training, and your input to compile personalized education materials and resources relevant to your situation and to find care providers that can help you achieve your care goals.
Frequently asked
* Genworth Life Insurance Company is making the CareScout Quality Network available as a value-added service for policyholders. The CareScout Quality Network is not a policy benefit and can be modified or discontinued at any time.