What aging with dignity means to us...
"Aging with dignity, is accepting who you are, and how you look, as you age, and embracing the years and experiences which you have gained in the process of time. Maintaining your self-worth as your hair change to gray, and your body begin to wrinkle. Regardless of race, color, and ethnicity, everyone has the right to embrace aging with gratitude and love for oneself"
Our caregivers are...
"Our caregivers are amazing, qualified, licensed, certified and reliable personnel, who love what they do; CARING. Their hiring process includes background check, and other documentations as required by Maryland COMAR regulations. We have male and female caregivers."
The care we offer is unique because...
"The care we offer is unique because it is person centered. Prior to assigning a caregiver to a particular client, the caregiver is educated on the client's condition, needs, and expectations. Our nurse tailors a PLAN of CARE specific for the client, based on information from the client, the family, the client's physician, and our nurse's assessment of the client. A good orientation is given to the caregiver before he/she assumes work for any client. We also have a clocking in and clocking out system, to track arrival and closing time of the caregiver into and out of the client's home. A quarterly in-service training is given to our staff to remind and keep them updated with information they may need in the care of our clients"
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"Basic needs and personal care are the most important things to remember when caring for someone. Caregivers must remember the basic needs also known as activities of daily living, which are activities that are needed for clients to live comfortably every day."
What person-centered care means to us...
"To us, person-centered care means providing care that meets the specific needs of the client. These needs are identified through a collaborative effort of the client, the client's family, client's physician, and the agency nursing team. It also means that the team comes up with measurable goals specifically related to client's needs. It also means constantly evaluating the delivery of service, to determine client's satisfaction. And also getting feedback from client and family in a satisfaction survey, which will help to know if the goals are achieved"
What would you want to know for family member care ...
"I would want to know for how long the caregiver has been providing care, and if for a short duration, I would want the agency to give me some sort of assurance that I am getting a good caregiver."
Grace and Mercy Health Services, Inc

What aging with dignity means to us...
"Aging with dignity, is accepting who you are, and how you look, as you age, and embracing the years and experiences which you have gained in the process of time. Maintaining your self-worth as your hair change to gray, and your body begin to wrinkle. Regardless of race, color, and ethnicity, everyone has the right to embrace aging with gratitude and love for oneself"

Our caregivers are...
"Our caregivers are amazing, qualified, licensed, certified and reliable personnel, who love what they do; CARING. Their hiring process includes background check, and other documentations as required by Maryland COMAR regulations. We have male and female caregivers."

The care we offer is unique because...
"The care we offer is unique because it is person centered. Prior to assigning a caregiver to a particular client, the caregiver is educated on the client's condition, needs, and expectations. Our nurse tailors a PLAN of CARE specific for the client, based on information from the client, the family, the client's physician, and our nurse's assessment of the client. A good orientation is given to the caregiver before he/she assumes work for any client. We also have a clocking in and clocking out system, to track arrival and closing time of the caregiver into and out of the client's home. A quarterly in-service training is given to our staff to remind and keep them updated with information they may need in the care of our clients"

Important to remember when caring for someone...
"Basic needs and personal care are the most important things to remember when caring for someone. Caregivers must remember the basic needs also known as activities of daily living, which are activities that are needed for clients to live comfortably every day."

What person-centered care means to us...
"To us, person-centered care means providing care that meets the specific needs of the client. These needs are identified through a collaborative effort of the client, the client's family, client's physician, and the agency nursing team. It also means that the team comes up with measurable goals specifically related to client's needs. It also means constantly evaluating the delivery of service, to determine client's satisfaction. And also getting feedback from client and family in a satisfaction survey, which will help to know if the goals are achieved"

What would you want to know for family member care ...
"I would want to know for how long the caregiver has been providing care, and if for a short duration, I would want the agency to give me some sort of assurance that I am getting a good caregiver."
Quality Network
This provider meets CareScout's care standards and is committed to being a person-centered practitioner. Learn more.
Grace and Mercy Health Services is a Residential Service Agency providing skilled and unskilled nursing services to clients in the comfort of their homes. We are licensed by the Office of Healthcare Quality in Maryland, with an RSA License since 2006. DDA/DDS approved in Washington DC, since 2008, providing various services for persons with development disabilities. GMHS main office is located at 4601, Presidents Drive Suite 232 Lanham MD 20706. Our phone number is 301-441-2368. As you follow the promptings on the phone, we can be reached during weekdays, weekends, and holidays, by the way our phone system is set up. We are always ready to assist. Grace and Mercy Health Services is directed by Mercy Forlu, PhD, MA, BA, RN. She is very compassionate and caring; and has been a nurse for over forty years. She has great passion in the care of the elderly, the frail, the dually diagnosed and those with mental issues. Because of her passion, she influences her agency to recruit skilled and unskilled nurses who have this same passion and demonstrate excellence in caregiving. GMHS staff comprise of NP, RN, LPN, HHA, CNA, GNA, Med. Techs, and Companions. Over the years, the staff of Grace and Mercy health Services (GMHS) have proven to be amazing and skillful experts in caregiving. We love what we do: CARING with graceful touch, merciful hearts and excellence.
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