What aging with dignity means to us...
"We believe in caring for people the way you would want your loved ones cared for! Compassionate, caring, and comforting while allowing the individual to remain as independent as possible. We are all going to age - and we are all going to need a helping hand - but aging gracefully"
Our caregivers are...
"THE BEST! We not only have the most compassionate caregivers, they are also the most skilled."
The care we offer is unique because...
"we put the pateint first. Sometimes that means the needs of the family/ caregiver as well. We have the best caregivers. The most talented, skilled, and caring that can be found. We not only to trust them to take care of you and your loved ones, they have taken care of ours too!"
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"to allow them to remain as independent as safely possible. Keeping them surrounded by family, enjoying life, and remaining at home is the goal."
What person-centered care means to us...
"It's about taking care of people. That can mean helping to take a bath, having company during a meal, keeping a loved one safe while the family is out, or just sitting and visiting. Taking care of the physical as well as the mental needs of our patients."
What would you want to know for family member care ...
"We will always try our best to accomodate the patient and their family. We know that everyone has a busy schedule these days, and we want to help you feel comfortable knowing you have placed your trust in us to help you when you need it!"
Jonsan Home Health

What aging with dignity means to us...
"We believe in caring for people the way you would want your loved ones cared for! Compassionate, caring, and comforting while allowing the individual to remain as independent as possible. We are all going to age - and we are all going to need a helping hand - but aging gracefully"
Our caregivers are...
"THE BEST! We not only have the most compassionate caregivers, they are also the most skilled."
The care we offer is unique because...
"we put the pateint first. Sometimes that means the needs of the family/ caregiver as well. We have the best caregivers. The most talented, skilled, and caring that can be found. We not only to trust them to take care of you and your loved ones, they have taken care of ours too!"
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"to allow them to remain as independent as safely possible. Keeping them surrounded by family, enjoying life, and remaining at home is the goal."
What person-centered care means to us...
"It's about taking care of people. That can mean helping to take a bath, having company during a meal, keeping a loved one safe while the family is out, or just sitting and visiting. Taking care of the physical as well as the mental needs of our patients."
What would you want to know for family member care ...
"We will always try our best to accomodate the patient and their family. We know that everyone has a busy schedule these days, and we want to help you feel comfortable knowing you have placed your trust in us to help you when you need it!"
Quality Network
This provider meets CareScout's care standards and is committed to being a person-centered practitioner. Learn more.
We began serivces in April 2015. We currently cover San Antonio and are expanding to cover most of South Texas. We provide nursing skilled care, infusions, wound care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, provider and respite services.
& Additional Therapies